Category Archives: Stay Healthy

Cleansing Green Juice

Ingredients: - 4 leaves bok choy - 1 stalk celery - 1/4 cucumber - 1/4 bulb fennel - 1/2 lemon, peeled Preperation: (Makes 2 Servings) 1. Juice bok choy, celery, cucumber, fennel and lemon. Stir 2. You may garnish it with a piece of celery Disclaimer: This recipe is not proprietary of Healing HandZ Physical Therapy. The recipe was originally taken from some external source and were then modified to make it...
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Arthritis Tonic

Ingredients: - 4 spear asparagus - 3 stalks celery - 1 green apple - 1 cup broccoli florets - 1 cup fresh parsley Preperation: (Makes 2 Servings) 1. Juice asparagus, celery, apple, broccoli and parsley. Stir 2. You may garnish it with a pinch of black pepper Disclaimer: This recipe is not proprietary of Healing HandZ Physical Therapy. The recipe was originally taken from some external source and were then modified...
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What is Plantar Fasciitis?

What is plantar Fascia? The foot is made up of 26 bones, with many strong tissues holding them together. The plantar fascia is a thick tissue that connects the heel bone (calcaneus) to the base of the toes on the bottom of the foot, looks like a series of fat rubber bands. The plantar fascia supports...
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Amazing Green Juice

Ingredients: - 1 cucumber - 1 green apple - 2 stalks celery - 1/2 bulb fennel  (if you can't find it, then skip this) - 3 leaves kale - 1/2 cup apple cider Preperation: (Makes 2 Servings) 1. Juice cucumber, apple, celery, fennel and kale. 2. Pour 1/4 cup of apple cider in a glass and then pour the juice. Stir. 3. You may garnish it with small...
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Anti-Stress Smoothie

Ingredients: - 2 cups frozen blue berries - 1 cup milk - 1 cup Vanilla frozen yogurt - 1/2 avocado, peeled and pitted - 1/2 cup ice cubes - 1 tablespoon sweet syrup (on not, if you prefer not to) - 2 spring fresh lavender - 2 table-spoon of Whey-Protein (to substitute this as a meal - otherwise avoid it) Preperation: (Makes 4 Servings) 1. Add...
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Campaign to Encourage Healthy Eating/Drinking

We all spend a lot of time outside of our home and mostly end up eating/drinking that we may want to or not. With a vision of nurturing a healthy community around us, we thought about designing a program where we would weekly publish one Recipe of delicious smoothie that will not only nourish you but it...
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Art of Relaxing

Relaxing is an important element in the healing process. Most times pain is caused by inadequate blood flow. When we are tense, the muscles are stiffer and tighter further impacting the flow of the blood especially in the target pain areas. Relaxing not only improves the blood flow but it also help the muscles to relax which...
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