Postural Muscle Strengthening (Challenge) – 3rd Week

Happy Monnday!

We hope you had a great weekend. We apologise, we could not update the challenge yesterday due to some technical difficulties. A couple of updates...

  1. We have updated the challenge for the week. The workout stays the same. However, the frequency has been altered to help you build the strength and endurance.
  2. Please share this with your friends and family too as you want them to be fit as well.

  3. For those who who have not joined yet, we encourage you to do so. It is a great thing to do! Having a sound mind with healthy body is irreplaceable. If you fear that this might be too hard for you then reduce the frequency but do try doing it. Any start is a good start with these challenges.

Good Luck & we'll see you next Sunday with further updates. Till then, keep making yourself and your loved ones proud.

Note: The access code stays the same for the duration of this challenge! Refer Postural Muscle Strengthening (Challenge) to get the details.


The sole purpose of this challenge is to encourage and promote healthy life-style. By any means this program is not intended to generate any revenues. The program is free of cost to all who wish to join.

We recommend this program to only those who are physically fit and do not have any recent injuries/surgeries or already in pain or seeking any medical attention or seeing chiropractor/physical therapist. We recommend you seek medical advice from your health care provider before starting this program shall you have any pre-existing medical/physiological conditions.

You agree to start this challenge at your own risk. The program is for general fitness and not designed to treat any medical/physiological conditions. By starting this challenge you agree to hold Healing HandZ Physical Therapy and its heir harmless against any claims.

Healing HandZ Physical Therapy

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