We are all at home and working from home which is ideal in our current situation but our environment might not be built for ideal sitting posture that we should have. Try to work with what you have available but to work for what we have we should know what we need or what is the right posture. Improper posture can cause neck, back, or pain in the other joints.
We will be talking about sitting/working posture today. In the upcoming mails, we will talk on sleeping posture, lifting (grocery, baby, etc. ), doing household chores.
Good sitting posture help with preventing muscle soreness and optimizes muscle functioning reduces stress on the joints and ligaments, improves breathing, increases concentration, increases energy, improves balance, and BOOST CONFIDENCE!
So, let’s talk about sitting posture
- Sit up straight with your shoulders back
- Sit back in the chair (your butts should touch the back of the chair)
- Pull your back straight up (imagine there is a plumb line pulling you from the center of the head)
- Use a lumbar roll (or a cushion if you do not have a lumbar cushion)
- Hip and knee at 90 degrees each (with 10 degrees release either way)
- Keep your feet flat on the floor
- Make sure you distribute your weight evenly on both the hips
Ergonomics for Workstation:
- Adjust computer screen so that you are not bending your neck to look at (middle of the screen should be about 15 degrees from your eyes while you are sitting straight)
- The keyboard should be adjusted so that the elbows are bent at about 09 degrees
- Use a wrist pad to rest while not typing
Tips for maintaining good posture while improving your productivity:
- Get up every 30-45 minutes from a sitting position
- Look away from the computer screen for 3-5 minutes every 45 min
- Do some exercises during your break
- Go for regular walks
- Make an exercise schedule
- Lose extra pounds
We are attaching an exercise program for you to follow while you are working at home. We recommend you follow the above tips and not to work more than 30-45 minutes at a stretch. Try to do the exercises 2-3 times a day. Keep moving!