Cranberry Apple Twist

Some Facts (about Cranberries):
Raw cranberries have moderate levels of vitamin C, dietary fiber and the essential dietary mineral, manganese (each nutrient having more than 10% of the Daily Value per 100 g serving, as well as other essential micro-nutrients in minor amounts.

Two comprehensive reviews of available research concluded that there is no evidence that cranberry compounds are effective in preventing urinary tract infections.
(Source: Wikipedia)

- 2 green apples
- 3/4 cup cranberries
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1/2 lemon, peeled
- 1-2 mint leaves

Preperation: (Makes 3 Servings)
1. Juice apples, cranberries, cucumber, and lemon. Stir
2. You may garnish it with a mint leaf (if you'd like)

Disclaimer: This recipe is not proprietary of Healing HandZ Physical Therapy. The recipe was originally taken from some external source and were then modified to make it healthier & more delicious.

The core intention of these postings is to motivate and encourage our community to follow and adapt natural and healthy lifestyle.

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